90 Minute 1:1 Breakthrough Session for bold & brave established entrepreneurs & visionary leaders with Rachael Meeds
🔥You're looking to:
- Blow the roof off of your upper limit & scale your income to 20-30k months & beyond from a place of wealth embodied
- Increase your visibility on social media where you’re known all over the world for your body of work & the impact you create…yes, you get to name *outloud* that you’re here to be famous for your work
- Experience enriching relationships with your clients because of the standards you hold within your leadership, your pricing, your nervous system capacity to be SEEN & to unapologetically use your voice in ways that wakes people up from their limitations & leads them into their limitless potential
- Release fears around your self expression when it comes to people misrepresenting you or rejecting you. Buh-bye cancel/call out culture worries.
- Feel liberated in your expression in business, the bedroom, how you relate to your bank account & how you feel within your body
- Release subconscious programming around being seen & taking up space so you can speak on stages, host retreats, serve thousands, launch with pleasure, sell with ease & support your clients/team from a place of courage, confidence & enrichment
During this 90 minute 1:1 session we deep dive into a specific area of your leadership, business or life that you're looking for support within. These sessions can include a mixture of coaching/mentorship, breathwork & embodiment facilitating or hypnosis depending on your needs. Once you book in your session we can discuss what will be the most supportive for our time together.
Choose Your Investment Option 🧡
Hey gorgeous soul! My names Rachael Meeds. I’m a Certified Leadership Coach, Breathwork & Embodiment Facilitator, Hypnotherapist & Speaker with over seven years of experience supporting thousands of people in their journey
My body of work focuses on supporting the human being inside of the business & leadership for established entrepreneurs & visionary leaders.
Our work together is centered around self expression & embodied leadership because whether we’re talking about life, love or leadership, who you are being, your ability to express yourself, your capacity to be visible, the identity you hold & what you’re embodied in influences everything...your sense of fulfillment, your bank account, your clients/team, your business, your relationships, your body & the impact you create.
I help my clients with things like:
- Finding the love of their life, entering a conscious relationship, having mind blowing s*x because they feel secure in being seen, unapologetically asking for what they need & being embodied in their communication
- Going from 10k months to 30-50k months from a place of wealth embodied instead of fleeting success from working with their subconscious mind & body & deeply trusting themselves to hold clients/money, tapping into their intuitive gifts & leading from a place of soul deep success.
- Liberating their voice where their social media presence skyrockets, they sell out programs, speak on stages, facilitate retreats, work with clients that are a dream come true & know how to handle situations like call out/cancel culture with courage.
- Heal & regulate their nervous system so they not only create a huge ripple effect of impact & big success, but can actually FEEL their beautiful life, have an intimate & secure relationship with money & feel embodied in their work on calls, team meetings & in content with confidence.
And so much more!
My clients come to me to expand & deepen their nervous system capacity & embodiment for the impact they’re creating, the wealth they’re generating, the relationships they have & the movement they’re leading in.
This is about embodying your iconic it factor & leading from a place of deep satisfaction, fulfillment & pleasure.
I believe that business & leadership is inherently a spiritual journey.
The people that come to work with me aren’t just doing “business”...this is their Dharma, their souls calling & one of the greatest expressions of who they are.
It’s not what they do, it’s who they are.
Working with me isn’t a “need”, it’s a desire & undeniable calling to be deeply supported, held & guided as you’re leading in such incredible ways in the world.
The magic of being a manifesting generator is that my clients get to tap into the multifaceted brilliance of what I bring to the table:
Some call me their healer. Some call me their life coach. Some call me their embodiment mentor. Some call me their teacher. Some call me their success & leadership coach. Some call me their spiritual coach.
And the truth is that I am all of these things rolled into one.
I’ve built a multiple 6 figure brand supporting clients all over the world & my body of work isn’t just what I do, it’s a fundamental part of who I am. Using proven methods, strategies & modalities, I take a holistic approach, working closely with visionary leaders & established entrepreneurs to courageously liberate their self expression, redefine the landscape of their leadership to cultivate massive impact in the lives of others, create sustainable transformation within their beliefs & nervous system, all while fostering a reality that is deeply rooted in fulfillment, their unique expression of wealth & the embodiment of their unique brilliance.
I’m so excited to connect & support you in this way!
Big Love!