Free For A Limited Time!

Dive in before December 31st @ 11:59 PM PST for free access.









Untangle from shame so you can confidently share your story & create intimacy with your audience without fearing that you’ll be discredited & lose out on sales/money

Embrace a chapter of your leadership where your messy, wild & weird has a full seat at the table & cultivate a brand that’s deeply rooted in the full spectrum of who you are in your raw, powerful expression

Liberate your voice, stop letting the fear of rejection & being seen as “too much” hold you back & trust in your creative power

Shame Slayer Bundle


for a limited time.

 What You Receive Inside:

  • Soften Shame & Unleash Your Voice Hypnosis Journey

  • Unshaming Your Expression Hypnosis Journey

  • Releasing Shame Somatic Practice

  • Slayin’ Shame Transmission 


What’s up gorgeous soul, I’m Rachael Meeds!

I’m a Certified Global Coach, Facilitator & Consultant. My expertise within the intricacies of self expression & embodied leadership takes a holistic, full body approach to supporting you. My body of work exists within the realms of leadership development, breathwork, hypnosis & somatics so that you create lasting, sustainable results that continue to change your life in the many years to come. Through supporting 1000’s of people over the past 8 years, I’ve learned that who you’re being on an identity level within your nervous system & subconscious imprinting, influences & impacts every facet of your leadership, relationships & the success you’re here to experience.

Recently I gave birth to my daughter Ikaria & was initiated into untangling from shame in the biggest way I’ve ever experienced. I was so terrified as being seen as “bad” or “wrong” by others as I moved through the intensity of decisions that were required to bring my daughter safely into the world

It felt like liquid hot lava was dripping down my spine when I started to face how much attachment I was still holding around being seen as “good” in the eyes of others

As if I’d gain some metaphorical gold star for having the uninterrupted home birth I dreamt of, breastfeeding with ease & living up to the standards that I thought would fit me into the image I had created around what my motherhood journey would look like

When I arrived at the altar of my birth portal shattered by grief & having to evoke the greatest sense of courage I’ve ever tasted I realized that shame was in the driver's seat of my life yet again

That’s when I decided to go somewhere deep within myself, the underworld of my consciousness & uproot the weeds that had overtaken the embodied power that I knew was aching to rise to the surface

As someone who experienced extreme bullying for the majority of my childhood & teenage years, I was all too familiar with the shame narratives…

Too much of one thing, not enough of the other

Too sensitive, too weird

Always feeling like I was an outcast. Never quite fitting into the mold of what I perceived to be “cool”

This was no different

I went from the vision of being that crunchy mama who had a primal home birth, breastfeeding in the forest & thinking I’d fit into all those perfectly laid of images I had saved on IG of motherhood to being the mama who had a c-section, couldn’t produce enough milk to feed my babe, switched to formula & decided to untangle from shame by fully owning my story so that it no longer owned me

This is the rise of the unashamed, unapologetic woman ❤️‍🔥

Shame can only exist when it’s operating in the shadows. When you own it, it no longer owns you

As a leader, I believe that embracing your raw, messy power, your story & the full spectrum of your humanity is at the core of creating a sustainable business & a legacy of impact

That’s why I created the Shame Slayer Bundle

I’m so excited for you to dive in

Together, we soar