Breaking Up with the Coaching Industry: Liberating Your Expression & Embracing Your Truth
Today, Rachael dives deep into a juicy conversation all about the potent experience where she is declaring that she is breaking up with the coaching industry. This is not about bashing the industry. This is not about breaking up with being a coach.
We’ll be getting into dismantling the confines and limitations around the conditioning of what you “should” do, how you “should” market, and what it means to create lasting success. Dissolving conformity and living in mediocrity by boldly cultivating and forging your own unique style in how you speak, create and show up in the world. Why so much of what’s taught is a creativity killer that creates an echo chamber of sameness. The power of choosing to leave behind what you once did and who you were even when it was financially abundant and lucrative. Liberating your expression and choosing integrity over popularity.
In this episode, Rachael gets into
- Sharing what has been so alive for her over the past 5 months, and her knowing that where she was going was going to require that she let what once was die.
- The regurgitation of ideas in the coaching industry and the conformity that comes from that cycle, which stifles creativity
- How the echo chamber of sameness takes away from the truth of what coaching actually is, coaching is not the same as marketing your business
- The shift that started to happen after the wedding.
- Shifting her identity through some of the deepest grief of her adult life, decomposting into a rich fertile soil for growth.
- The bravery and courage that it takes to dismantle what once was and to choose yourself even when what once was was lucrative and financially abundant
- How the echo chamber of sameness and the marketing-focus of the coaching industry takes you out of the soul of your business
- Feeling into what would be alive within you, what would you share, if you weren’t trying to fit into someone else’s box, into someone else’s framework
- Contemplating the 8th gene key. Being a rebel with a cause, somebody who doesn't fit into the confines of society, who’s here to create this aliveness in the world.
- How her mission and the business she desires is so much more than teaching the finer details of marketing and how to sell or get clients
- That the inbetween can look like a loss of finances or things looking quite, because you’re outgrowing a lot of the ways in which you were being
- When you’re trying to be like someone else and show up as something other than who you are, it kills your creativity
- When she looked at who is showing up in the world in the way she wants to show up that really inspired her, they weren’t identified as being a coach.
- The coaching industry is a niche, and she’s not into being niched-down
- The mind-virus that tells you you are not enough, and that when you shift how you’re showing up, your art will attract those that want to work with you
- Grieving what was once had, that what got you there isn’t where you get to go next
- Who are we waiting for to just do it and be here now and be the fullness of who we are
- When you claim the fullness of who you are, you are going to make people both fear you and be in awe of you
- Are you willing to betray yourself or reject yourself in the pursuit to appease someone in some specific industry or niche?
- How safety is an illusion if you are not being who you actually are
- Am I being in integrity with who I’m here to be?
- What makes this “so much” is that so many people are indoctrinated into these ways of showing up or marketing, Tik Tok is really bad for this
- Feeling into what your bigger vision is, it requires a level of honesty with yourself
- The pain and struggle required to really look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “who do I need to become?”
- The difference between perseverance and resilience, in resiliency you get to take your foot off the gas to actually feel what's happening around you
- The work of learning and choosing to let yourself feel deeply
- Choosing your integrity over popularity
- When you’re speaking from your center, what people receive from you supersedes the mind and is a transmission from soul to soul, it’s incredibly potent.
- What if I’m feeling into my big vision and it’s not super clear, but I know there’s something big there?
- Playing in the mystery, being in relationship with the unknown and existing in the deeper presence of your life
When you let yourself be in your truth and in the fullness of your spirit and you embrace your multi-passionate essence, you ditch the labels, you ditch all the shit you’ve been taught that doesn’t serve you, the prosperity, liberation and abundance that will be birth from that place will be beyond what you ever thought possible.
Thank you so much for being here!
So excited for you to dive into this week's episode!
Connect & Work With Rachael:
The Sacred Self Hypnosis Library ($17)
Ecstatic (An Ecstatic Dance & Hypnosis Experience)
90 Min Private Coaching Session
The Embodied Leadership Newsletter
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