Embodied Leadership is Not About Perfection
In this week’s episode, Rachael dives into a delicious solo episode about how embodied leadership is not about perfection.
In this episode Rachael covers:
- How embodying the full spectrum of what it means to be you is one of the most important aspects of scaling your business to multiple-6-figures
- How it’s so important to allow yourself to become the type of person who embraces their unique brilliance
So excited for you to dive into this week's episode!
The waitlist for The Embodied Leadership Mastermind is open!
The masterminds Rachael facilitates are some of the most potent, intimate, & transformative spaces people have ever experienced & for that reason, there are only 6 spots open for this container.
When you join the waitlist you’ll get first access to the juicy details for this mastermind, an exclusive $888 USD off & 1 private coaching call with me ($777 USD value) if you choose to leap with a full-body yes into this mastermind.
Click the link to get your booty inside :https://www.rachaelfishercoaching.com/telm-waitlist
Connect & Work With Rachael:
The Embodied Leadership Mastermind Waitlist
The Embodied Leadership Newsletter
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