How Ecstatic Dance Can Transform YOU! | Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom

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Are you ready to tap deeper into your potential for personal growth, confidence & transformation?

Ecstatic Dance is a powerful tool for transformation that can help you tap into your inner wisdom and unleash your full potential.

In this post, I dive deep into the transformative power of Ecstatic Dance and explore how it can support you in your journey of personal growth. From the history and evolution of the practice, to the key principles of embodiment, and the benefits of ecstatic dance. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this post will give you a deeper understanding of how Ecstatic Dance can help you unlock your true potential. So, get ready to dance your way to personal growth with the transformative power of Ecstatic Dance.

What is Ecstatic Dance? 

Ecstatic dance is a form of dance that is designed to allow people to express themselves freely, connect with their body, and tap into their inner joy & ecstatic states.

It is open to everyone regardless of identity or dance experience and is accompanied by music to help guide the energy and movement of those who are dancing.

It has its roots in various indigenous and spiritual traditions from around the world and has also been influenced by modern dance movements such as the rave scene and the freeform dance movement of the 1960s. 

Benefits of Ecstatic Dance 

Ecstatic dance has many benefits, including emotional and mental health support, improving confidence, and reducing experiences of anxiety or depression. It also allows for self-exploration and personal growth, as it allows for a deeper connection with oneself and one's intuition.

Additionally, it creates a sense of community and inclusivity, as everyone is invited to join in and let go of any self-consciousness or inhibitions.

Finally, it can be a form of moving meditation, where one can access deeper states of consciousness and connect with their own inner wisdom.

History of Ecstatic Dance 

Ecstatic dance is rooted in various indigenous and spiritual traditions from around the world, including Native American, African, and Hindu rituals. It’s also been influenced by modern dance movements such as the rave scene and the freeform dance movement of the 1960s.

In the late 1970’s, a woman named Gabrielle Roth created a approach to dancing called “5Rythms” which is what really began to generate hype around ecstatic dance & it’s benefits. Her 5Rhythms are a method of ecstatic dance that combine movement, music, and meditation to help people access a deeper level of self-expression.

Ecstatic dance has since become a global phenomenon, with people from all over the world gathering to connect with each other and the energy of the dance. Through the power of ecstatic dance, people are able to access a sense of joy, freedom, and connection with the divine.


Health Benefits of Ecstatic Dance 

The physical, emotional, & mental health benefits of ecstatic dance are plentiful. A study conducted by the American Cancer Society highlighted how dancing & movement can support emotional & mental health challenges, boost your confidence, and reduce experiences of anxiety or depression. 

The physical benefits of ecstatic dance include increased energy and stamina, improved coordination and balance, increased flexibility, and improved cardiovascular health. The energetic and spiritual benefits include improved concentration and focus, increased creativity, emotional and psychological well-being, and an enhanced sense of connectedness to yourself and others. 

Ecstatic dance is also a great way to practice mindfulness. As you move and express yourself through dance, you’re inviting yourself to be fully present in the moment and to let go of any worries or anxieties. By allowing yourself to be in the present moment, you get to access deeper parts of your psyche and connect with your own inner wisdom. This is so beautiful because it increases your self-awareness, self-expression, and a sense of connection to your overall state of being & body. 

Additionally, ecstatic dance is often held in an intentional and sober space where everyone is encouraged to respect each other's boundaries and personal space. This helps to create a sense of community and inclusivity, as everyone is invited to join in and let go of any self-consciousness or inhibitions. 


Key Principles of Ecstatic Dance 

No Spectators: 

One of the key principles of ecstatic dance is the idea of "no spectators." Everyones encouraged to participate and express themselves through movement, whether it be dancing wildly or simply swaying to the music. There is no wrong or right way to dance. This creates a sense of community and inclusivity, as everyone is invited to join in and let go of any self-consciousness or inhibitions. 

Everyone is Invited: 

Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to take part in ecstatic dance, no matter their level of dance experience or identity. This helps to create a space where everyone can feel comfortable and free to express themselves. 

Self-Exploration & Personal Growth: 

An important aspect of ecstatic dance is the focus on self-exploration and personal growth. By allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the present moment and move freely in your expression, you get to access deeper parts of your psyche and connect with your own inner wisdom. This is so beautiful because it increases your self-awareness, self-expression, and a sense of connection to your overall state of being & body.

Entering a Trance-Like State 

Benefits of Theta Brain Waves 

The trance-like state of theta brain waves is a powerful aspect of ecstatic dance. Theta brain waves are associated with meditation, relaxation, and creativity. This type of brain wave activity occurs when we enter a deeply relaxed state, which is often associated with a sense of bliss, creativity, and connection to our inner wisdom. 

Theta brain waves can be accessed through ecstatic dance by allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the present moment and move freely in your expression. As you move, you access deeper parts of your psyche and connect with your own inner wisdom. This helps to increase your self-awareness, self-expression, and a sense of connection to your overall state of being and body. 

This type of brain wave activity is beneficial because it helps to reduce stress and anxiety, promote creativity and insight, and help us to become more connected to ourselves and our emotions. It can also help to increase our motivation and focus, as well as our clarity of thought. 

Trance-like states of theta brain waves can also be accessed through meditation, yoga, and other forms of spiritual practice. However, the combination of movement and music in ecstatic dance can be especially powerful in helping us to access this state and tap into our inner wisdom.


Letting Go of Self-Consciousness 

One of the key benefits of entering a trance-like state of theta brain waves is the ability to let go of self-consciousness and move freely in your expression. This is especially powerful in an ecstatic dance setting, as everyone is encouraged to participate and express themselves through movement, without judgement. This creates a sense of community and inclusivity, as everyone is invited to join in and let go of any self-consciousness or inhibitions. 

By allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the present moment and move freely in your expression, you get to access deeper parts of your psyche and connect with your own inner wisdom. This is so beneficial for increasing your self-awareness, self-expression, and a sense of connection to your overall state of being and body. 

Letting go of self-consciousness can also be a form of self-care and healing, as it can help you to feel more connected, open and free in your body and mind. This is an important aspect of ecstatic dance, as it helps you to be more present and mindful in your body. 


Intentional & Sober Space 

This space is designed to be both respectful and inclusive, as it encourages everyone to participate and express themselves through movement, without feeling self-conscious. 

In this space, it is common to ask for consent before dancing with someone else, and to have an understanding of respecting each other’s boundaries and personal space. This creates a community and a sense of inclusivity that allows everyone to feel comfortable and let go of any inhibitions. 

It is also common for there to be a “peak” time in the dance where the energy or music reaches an intensity, followed by a “cool down” period for relaxation that supports the dancer in integrating their experience. This allows them to move out of the beta brain waves that are typically active throughout their day and enter into a trance-like state of theta brain waves where creativity and intuition can come alive. 

This intentional and sober space is important for creating an environment that is conducive to self-exploration and personal growth, as it allows the dancer to be fully immersed in the present moment and access deeper parts of their psyche.


Expressing Yourself Through Ecstatic Dance 

Ecstatic dance is a form of movement and expression that encourages letting go of inhibitions and connecting with your body. It is a form of movement that is open to everyone and is accompanied by music to guide the energy and movement of those who are dancing. There is no right or wrong way to dance and it is about allowing yourself to explore the depths of your expression. 

When you move and express yourself through ecstatic dance, you are able to access deeper parts of your psyche and connect with your own inner wisdom. This increases your self-awareness, self-expression, and overall sense of connection to your body. 

Through ecstatic dance, you can explore your body in ways that you may not have before. You can find the joy and freedom of movement and allow yourself to express your true self. By connecting with your body and letting go of your inhibitions, you can access a sense of inner joy and ecstatic states. 

Ecstatic dance is a powerful way to connect with yourself and others, to liberate your expression, to move freely, and tap into a sense of inner joy. It is a form of moving meditation and can help you to soften your mind, access your intuition and creativity, and let go of self-consciousness. 

Ecstatic dance is an incredible way to access your inner power, brilliance, and magic. Allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the present moment and move freely in your expression can help you to tap into your potential and feel more confident and present in your life.


Final Thoughts 

Ecstatic dance is an incredible way to connect with yourself and others, to liberate your expression, to move freely, and tap into a sense of inner joy. Whether you're an experienced dancer or are totally new to dancing, ecstatic dance is such an epic, beautiful and enriching experience that holds the capacity to deeply support you in your journey & growth I truly believe that ecstatic dance is all about liberating your expression & connecting deeply with yourself. 

Where your body shows your mind what desires to be expressed, what wants to flow, & what needs to move It’s an opportunity to awaken & become embodied in your senses. 

Where you’re invited to come fully alive in your power, your brilliance & allow your intuition to be expressed through each breath & movement. 

Where the rest of the world seems to melt away & you enter a state of deep presence within your own temple It’s a moving meditation.

Where your mind can soften & the spontaneity of your soul enters a state of freedom.

As mentioned above, there’s no need for perfection, for things to look a certain way, or for you to even consider yourself to be a “dancer” 

It’s anything & everything you decide it to be. Going deeper & deeper into a trance like state where deep healing can take place as a result of your own intrinsic nature 

You are the magic. 

You are your own healer. 

The movement is the medicine to support you in remembering your wholeness.



If you loved this post, you’ll love experiencing an embodied ecstatic dance session in my group program ECSTATIC. This 70-minute recorded session takes you through embodiment, ecstatic dance, and hypnosis to ground into your next iteration of leadership and business as you embrace your wholeness, fulfillment & prosperity:


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For Courageous Leaders Who Are Here to Embrace Their Iconic It Factor & Get Hired & Paid For Their Life Changing Work 🔥

The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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I value you, & your commitment to your vision. Together we rise eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul.

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Hypnosis has been one of the most powerful modalities I've ever used. Your subconscious holds the keys to unlocking everything you've ever desired & I'm so excited to support you in this way!

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