Unlocking creativity, healing & intuition through ecstatic dance & embodiment
In this episode, Rachael goes deep into the potency of embodiment practices and ecstatic dance. If you’ve never experienced or heard of ecstatic dance, you’re going to want to check this one out!
In this episode, Rachael gets into:
- Awakening to the power of using your body as a vessel for creation, healing, and transformation through embodiment work
- Ecstatic dance, what it is, and dismantling some of the misconceptions around it
- The beautiful history of Ecstatic dance, including it’s the connection to indigenous traditions, the rave scene, and Gabrielle Roth (The 5 Rhythms).
- How ecstatic dance can facilitate a deep level of transformation and be highly therapeutic from a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual standpoint
- What the key principle of “no spectators” means in ecstatic dance and how there is no wrong way to dance
- How your creativity and intuition can burst wide open through the trance-like state you can enter into
- Connecting to your inner wisdom and expression through the self-exploration of ecstatic dance
- The sacred space of ecstatic dance spaces
- The deep connection between how you feel in your body and creating success, and expansion in your business
- The idea that embodiment practices and ecstatic dance are a moving meditation, where you get to connect with deepest parts of who you are
- Normalizing the fear around being seen and witnessed in group experiences
Thank you so much for being here!
So excited for you to dive into this week's episode!
If you loved this podcast, you’re going to love actually experiencing an embodied ecstatic dance session in my group program ECSTATIC. This 90-minute session on zoom takes you through embodiment, ecstatic dance, and hypnosis to ground into your next iteration of leadership and business as you embrace your wholeness, fulfillment & prosperity.
Ecstatic takes place on Wednesday, January 18th, at 12 PM PST, and yes, there will be a replay available, so jump in here: https://www.rachaelmeeds.com/ecstatic
Keep your eyes open for the Mastermind “Liberation” that is launching soon!
Connect & Work With Rachael:
The Sacred Self Hypnosis Library ($17)
90 Min Private Coaching Session
The Embodied Leadership Newsletter
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It means so much and helps us reach more gorgeous souls who need to hear these messages!